Karya Nusatama: Bes Bollmann H-DI 3.10 Istimewa

Bes Bollmann H-DI 3.10 Istimewa

BES Bollmann H-DI 3.10

Moisture meter H-DI 3.10 - the professional series
timber / Building moisture measuring device

In addition to the features possessed by the H-DI 3.3 the H-DI 3.10 has temperature correction, an extended measuring range the capacity to measure building moisture content and FMPA approval. And because of their high-precision measuring capacity, they are the perfect tool for all professionals woh want rapid, precise measurement on site.

Measuring range 4–40 % 4–100 %
Display resolution 0,10%
Application timber, derived timber products timber, derived timber products, building materials
Measuring principle electrical resistance
Timber group adjustment ■ ■
Temperature adjustment — ■
Ambient temperature 0–40 °C
Setting switch 1 2
Battery control ■ ■
Device control — ■
Battery 9 V Compound battery/IEC 6F 22
Dimensions 140 x 80 x 40 mm
Weight 210 g 220 g
FMPA approval — ■
Warrantee 12 month
Other simple clear operation, high long-time stability
without need for readjustment

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