Karya Nusatama: Jual Water filter LifeStraw Family

Jual Water filter LifeStraw Family

LifeStraw® Family 1.0 is a powerful, high-volume water purifier for use in homes without access to clean water from municipal sources. It helps prevent often deadly waterborne diseases for families in developing countries and is effective in emergency settings following natural disasters which can contaminate water.

    Converts microbiologically contaminated water into clean, safe drinking water
    Filters up to 18,000 litres of EPA-quality water, enough to supply a family of five with clean drinking water for three years
    Removes virtually all bacteria (99.9999 percent), protozoan parasites (99.99 percent) and viruses (99.999 percent) that can contaminate water
    Reduces turbidity (muddiness) by filtering particulate matter larger than 0.02 microns
    Made of durable plastic
    Doesn’t require electrical power, batteries or replacement parts 
    Uses hollow fibre technology which meets the standard for the “highly protective” category of safe water interventions by the World Health Organization

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