Karya Nusatama: Jual Victor VC14+ |Temperature Calibrator

Jual Victor VC14+ |Temperature Calibrator

The Victor 14+ is a high accuracy field calibrator for all forms of temperature simulation and measurement.It has a 6 digit back lit display and values can be selected on any decade - fast and accurate.  10 thermocouple type, 7 RTD types plus 50/500mV and 500/5000ohms with 1 microvolt resolution. Sensor measurement and simulation over the full calibrated range of the sensor type.
  • Measure mV, ohm, R,S,K,E,J,T,N,B,L, and U thermocouples
  • Measure Pt100, Pt1000, Pt200, Pt500, Cu10 Cu50
  • Simulate mV to 1100mV - ohms to 4000ohms
  • Simulate Thermocouples and RTDs as listed for Measure
  • CJC internal or external
  • Accuracy matched to use as instrument calibrator, and sensor comparison.

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