Karya Nusatama: Staplex PM10 High Volume Air Sampler

Staplex PM10 High Volume Air Sampler

 A PM10 high volume air sampler is a federal reference method (FRM) instrument designed to collect ambient particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10µm or less.

* For use with Staplex® High Volume Air Sampling Systems
* Separates thoracic particles smaller that 10 micron aerodynamic diameter

The Staplex® PM10-SSI Size Selective inlet, used with Staplex® High Volume Air Sampler, 8" x 10' Filter Holder Assembly and Aluminum Outdoor Shelter and other available accessories, samples suspended particulates in the air at 40 ACFM ( 1.13 ACMM) through a circumferential inlet.

The symmetrical design insures wind-direction insensitivity. The Inlet design and internal configuration makes the collection efficiency independent of wind speed form 0 to 36 kilometers per hour. The air is accelerated though nine circular internal acceleration nozzles. By virtue of their larger momentum, particles greater than 10 micron aerodynamic diameter impact onto a greased impaction shim.

The PM10 particles of interest, that is those particles smaller than or equal to 10 microns, are carried vertically upward by the air flow and sown sixteen vent tubes to
the 8” x 10” Quartz Fiber Filter ( Staplex® Type TFAQ810) , where they are collected
for gravimetric airborne concentration analysis. The weight increase of the filter
paper is considered the mass of PM10 particles collected. The mass concentration of PM10 particles is determined by dividing the particulate mass by the volume of air sampled.

Particles larger than 10 microns settle out of the impaction chamber on a collection
shim and are removed when the collection shim is cleaned during prescribed maintenance periods.

Dimensions : 64"H (163 cm) high x maximum 28" (71 cm) dia.
Net Weight: Base with Basic Components: 45 lbs. (20.5 kg.)
PM10 Size Selective Inlet, 50 lbs. (23 kg.)
230 VAC, 50 Hz

Basic System includes PM10-SSI Size Selective Inlet plus the following Staplex® components:

* Staplex® TFIA Series High Volume Air Sampler,
* SH810 8" x10" Filter Holder Assembly
* FPC810 Filter Paper Cassette
* FC-2ETM ( 220VAC) Constant Flow Controller
* with built-in Elasped Time Indicator ( 99, 999.99 hours mechanical, non-resettable)
* SAM Aluminum Outdoor Shelter.

Filters: Staplex Type TFAQ810 Quartz Fiber Filters, 8" x 10" [20 cm x 25 cm]
(25 per box)

Additional Options:
DTM-1/DTM-2 Digital Timer
FR-1/FR-2 Flow Recorder
MT-2/MT-3 Mechanical Timer

Accuracy of Mass Flow Control : ± 2.5% deviation over 24-hour sampling
period at 40 CFM [1.14 CMM]
DTM-1/DTM-2 Digital Timer all functions are digital and quartz crystal
controlled; digital clock with 1/4-in. LED display and 7.2 VDC rechargeable
stand-by battery.
Elapsed Time Indicator: 99,999.99 hours (nonresettable)
Mechanical Timer: 7-day or 6-day timer; fully adjustable start and stop
times in 15 minute intervals; ± 30 minutes accuracy.

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