Karya Nusatama: Thomas TP.60 Penangkal Petir Modern

Thomas TP.60 Penangkal Petir Modern

Thomas New EMSY lightning Protection system consist of:
1. AIR TERMINATION SYSTEM performs as an arrestor of lightning strike point to the earth in order to protect the protective zone from lightning strike hazards.
2. DOWN CONDUCTOR only one down cable performs to conduct lighting current captured by air terminator to the earth.
3. EARTH TERMINATION SYSTEM performs to spread the electric current as a result of lightning to the ground, where the grounding electrodes are in connection with conductor.

Thomas System Memiliki 3 ( tiga) variasi type berdasarkan cakupan jangkauan proteksi
- Radius 125 meter yang bisa melindungi luas area sampai dengan 49.062 meter persegi.
- Radius 60 meter yang bisa melindungi luas area sampai dengan 11.304 meter persegi.

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