Karya Nusatama: Jual Fuji scope FS-102 Opacity Meter

Jual Fuji scope FS-102 Opacity Meter

The methods in measuring the density of smoke is brief are :
1. With Eyesight
a) To measure the density of smoke in accordance with uniformed diagram.
b) To measure the alteration of ray from source of light through the gas exhausted
2. Physical way
To weight the solid subtances in a certain volume of exhausted gas.
And in the mediam or smaller plants, measurement of the density of smoke relies upon the
Ringelman way, which is the standard in regulating the smoke in many of the countries.

FS-102 plant use, both portable and stationary way, with legs.
2 steps extensible,
diameter : 40 mm
length overall : 640 mm

FUJI SCOPE newly developped by Fuji S.C. Ind.Co., is the smoke indicator for practival
application of Ringelman diagram, and is indispensable for minimizing contamination of the
air and saving fuel.

To overcome the many disadvantages in conventional Ringelman way, the diagram is
imprinted on the special film inside for practival measuring of the density of smoke observed

The measuring destance of 16 m. which is required in conventional way, is not necessary in
"FUJI SCOPE', as the diagram is inside of it.

Even in bad weather. correct measuring is secured and keeps the diagram a way from
discolouring and dirtiness.

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