Karya Nusatama: Jual Alat!! PCE-172 Lux Meter*

Jual Alat!! PCE-172 Lux Meter*

The PCE-172 Light Meter is used for accurate measuring of brightness in the industrial sector, commercial sector, agriculture and for research. The light meter can also be used to test computer screen brightness, in the workplace, for the display decoration and in the world of design. It meets international standards for this type of light meter
- Easy to use
- Solid design
- 3½ position LCD; maximum reading is 1999
- Measurement units can be displayed in lux or footcandles
- Battery level indicator
- "Overload" indication to warn when measurement range is exceeded
Technical specifications
40.00/400.0 klux (1 klux = 1000 Lux)
40.00 kfc (1 kfc = 1000 fc)
0.1/1/10/100 lux
0.01/0.1/1/10 FootCandle
±5% of reading ±10 digits (<10,000 lux)
±10% of reading ±10 digits (>10,000 lux)
Overload indicator
OL = Overload
Screen refresh rate
1.5 per second
Operating conditions
0 to 40ºC/80% r.h.
3¾ digit LCD
9 V battery
Device:                203 x 75 x 50 mm
(width x height x depth)
Light sensor:        115 x 60 x 20 mm
(width x height x depth)
Cable length:        150 cm
280 g
Safety: IEC-1010-1; EN 61010-1
EMV: EN 50081-1; EN 50082-1 corresponding with DIN 5031; DIN 5032
Delivery content
1 x PCE-172 Light Meter,
1 x light sensor with spiral cable,
1 x battery and
1 x user manual

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