Karya Nusatama: Jual Davis 06201 Wind Tracker

Jual Davis 06201 Wind Tracker

The Model 06201 36 Point Wind Tracker provides an easy to read visual display of wind speed, peak gust, wind direction, and wind direction variability. Rear panel voltage outputs may be connected to a recorder or data logger.

Wind direction is displayed by 36 LED's mounted in a circular compass pattern marked with numbered segments as is conventional for airport use. A second concentric set of 3 LED's shows wind variability. Each variability LED lights as the wind vane swings through its compass position and stays lit for approximately one minute, slowly fading in brightness.

0-5 Vdc, 4-20mA, RS-485, WS/NVD Alarm Relays (User selectable delay 1 sec. to 999 sec)
Power Requirement:
7-30 Vdc, AC adapter supplied
144mm (5.65in) x 144mm (5.65in) x 36mm (1.4in)
Wind Speed Range:
100 mph, 100 m/s, 100 Km/h, 100 knots
Remote Displays:
Up to 16 remote displays can be connected parallel

1 komentar:

  • Unknown says:
    1 Juli 2021 pukul 22.13

    No tlp yg bisa d hub

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