Karya Nusatama: Jual Baru Evacuate Sign ^ DEMCO

Jual Baru Evacuate Sign ^ DEMCO

Model D-110
DEMCO's Evacuate Sign D-110 is a versatile, compact-bright that is designed ideally for fire, security and hazard warning.
The solid-state LED Evacuate Sign offers high intensity of illumination at very low current consumption.
The lens and base are designed using a high grade Polycarbonate engineering plastic that has excellent resistance to impact and heat.
D-110 is designed to work effectively with most detection systems incorporation central control equipment. It is ideal for low current applications such as battery powered alarm panels where back up battery power is dramatically reduced.
 Durable - Tough industrial design contructed with mild steel’
 Luminary: Ultra Bright LED
 Easy visible access from side and rear
 Buzzer available upon request
 Optional: Different Range of Casing Colour
 Specific languages available on facial layout upon request

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