Karya Nusatama: Fireman Outfit DTXF-93-I

Fireman Outfit DTXF-93-I

 Material properties : 
- Heat radiation resistance : Under the heat
 radiation with 10kw/m2 the increase of on
inner surface not over than 25°C after
irradiate 30second.
- Length of flame retarded carbon (7S) : 
≤ 100mm.
- Waterproof properties : ≥ 4000pa
- Tearing strength : ≥ 32N
 The following items : 
1. Fireman suit 
2. Fireman helmet 
3. Fireman rubber boots
4. Portable explosion proof light DF-6 
5. Fire proof heavy line 
6. Fire axe stainless 
7. Fireman safety belt

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